The Passive House is the World's Most Rigorous Standard for Energy Efficient Construction



Why Passive House?

With over 300 days of sunshine and Climate Zones 2-5, the State of Arizona makes for the perfect location of a passive house design. A energy efficient home makes for a comfortable home.

For more information please visit the Passive House Institute US website:

  • Cut heating and cooling costs by up to 90%
  • Increased homeowner comfort
  • Easier to achieve Net-Zero or Net-Positive with a smaller solar array
  • Cleaner & healthier indoor air
  • Better for the environment
  • Energy efficient buildings reduce fossil fuel usage

Recent Building Science Corporation study states that, "Of the various measures that can drive building performance towards Net Zero, passive measures are the most preferable." 

What is Passive House?

Passive House is a voluntary international building standard developed by the Passive House Institute (PHI), located in Darmstadt, Germany – referred to also as The Passive House Standard. When designing a Passive House one first looks to minimize the heating and cooling loads as much as possible  through passive measures like orientation, massing, insulation, heat recovery, passive use of solar energy, solar shading, elimination of thermal bridges, and incidental internal heat sources.  Because the building is airtight, a continuous supply of low volume filtered fresh air is supplied to living/working spaces and stale air is exhausted from services spaces – providing balanced and controlled ventilation with high-efficiency heat exchange.


                                                  For more information, please visit: